A puppy is a great reminder to try to enjoy “new” things – new smells, new Spot sand jpeg compresstoys, new places, new butts-or for us humans, new hobbies, new places, new jobs, and new friends (but hopefully not their butts).  We took our 4 month old Jack Russell, Spot, to go sledding at the Great Sand Dunes National Park this past weekend. ( I was trying to get in some of that RnR that I am always encouraging clients do!)  To our astonishment, Spot LOVED the sand and the MASSIVE dunes!  He rolled in it, ate it, attacked it…he threw himself off of near vertical embankments to sprint to the bottom of the dunes.  For a human though, my first thought as I prepared to slide down was more like “Holy crap that is steep!  What if I can’t stop?  Is this gonna hurt?” Ahhh…all those what ifs…my mind going so quickly and predictably to the fear side of the equation.

Contrast this to the dog, who is standing there panting, having truly just relished his new experience and is now RUNNING back up this vertical embankment to do it again.  He’s not thinking about fear, work projects, or ruffled feathers.  He’s just loving being in the moment.

How often do you try something new?  Do you go out of your way to AVOID new?  When you are doing something NEW, are you really in the moment?  Did you celebrate the fact that you were willing to try something different?  It’s ok if you answered no (yes to #2), that is the norm.  With so many balls in the air you would have to be NUTS to upset the delicate balance, right?!  And what about your poor ego?  What if you look stupid dancing, acting, singing, speaking to a group, putting yourself out there with a new idea?

I am a perfect example of loving my comfort zone.  I had a nice job were I made some good money and had good benefits.  But something was off – I was always irritated, dreading many aspects of my job, and worse, it was spilling over into other areas.  I remember the day my four year old looked at me with tears in his eyes and begged me not to leave him again (for yet another “important” business trip).  I drove to the airport that day, thinking “how did I get here?!  I am so so far from the mother I want to be.”  On closer inspection, I saw how I had lost regular touch with the things that made me happiest – my family, friends and hobbies.  I needed NEW in a big way because….

Turns out my comfort zone wasn’t all that comfortable! 

Oddly enough, I fought that nagging voice that craved change tooth and nail, wanting to hold on to “normal.”   In the same breath, I cursed those ladies on Oprah that talked of their Ah-Ha moments and how they just sold their companies for $25 million.  Really, I was jealous!     They were living the life I wanted but I didn’t have the courage, motivation, energy, or freaking idea of how to get started.

Here is where I give my friend Nancy some props.  She was an acquaintance at work.  Neat lady with a heart of gold.  She just happened to mention that she got a coach and it got me thinking, why not me?  What could it hurt to explore that feeling of wanting something different, maybe better?  I decided SOMETHING has got to change so I hired my first coach.  Our work together completely shifted how I saw myself and my vision for my future.  It took over a year and a half and a big commitment to go back to school, but I cannot imagine ever returning to that old life.  When I had my Ah-ha moment I couldn’t stop crying for about 3 days (I mention it because I am not a “crier”, so I thought!).  For the first time in my life I connected with my purpose, my gift.


Finding that is indescribable!  It’s like trying to explain to someone what childbirth feels like.  You just have to experience it.  Now I know why my dog walks around with this huge crap-eating grin on his face all the time!  I invite you to try it for yourself!  Try something new, be it big or small!   Shed the fear!  Most reputable coaches will have undergone significant training from an ICF recognized school AND will offer you a free sample session to see if your personalities are a good fit for the coaching relationship.  Find your fulfillment and share that gift with your family and friends!            ** BE THE DOG, not the bitch! **
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