
March 27-29, 2021

The Awakened Wealth Experience -The Virtual Event

Join me for this interactive virtual event to:

  • Elevate your money savvy and your financial confidence!
  • Reveal the path to true Financial Freedom (and what’s getting in the way!)
  • Show you how to break free of your self-imposed limits on your income.
  • Share the micro-shifts to generate quatum strides towards your happiness, security, and independence.

If you’re like most women who are loooking for ways to “do better” with their finances, then invest the time to create your path to Financial Freedom!

Awakened WEalth Experience

April 1, 2021

The Aligned Wealth Blueprint

This year long coaching program offers a whole new approach to how you think about and interact with your wealth.  We are going to redesign, align, and integrate every fiber of your BEing around wealth to generate more income, confidence and peace of mind.  I'll guide you step by step to uncover your blind spots and I'll give you the tools and exercises to upgrade your old thinking that is getting in the way of your success.  Graduates then advance to the 2 month Money Makerover Program.  You can make massive strides and you don't have to go it alone!