In the last blog, I shared my personal story about my previous career and how ultimately, I realized I was climbing the wrong success ladder. I related how my son woke — well, jolted me — up to this. My definition of success (financial and career goals) wasn’t compatible with my real desires and values. The result was an anxiety in my subconscious that oozed out as exhaustion, unhappiness and frustration. Are you building your legacy or has frustration and exhaustion caught up to you as well?
We all get busy with life. At times, it feels like a fire hose and it’s hard to assess the 40,000 foot view of life to ensure you are still on course. However, when you do veer off course, even by a very small percentage, over time, you will arrive in a foreign destination, far away from your goals and aspirations.
To help combat this, I am offering you a quick 5 step process to check in once a week. It’s simple. You pick one area of your life and give it a quick examination while you are showering, driving or walking in to work. Teaching your kids this process will help them keep their big picture goals in mind and hopefully, avoid some needless detours during their goal quest. Only through this type of focus, can you ensure that you are building your legacy that is fulfilling and worthy of influencing your children.
I feel this is critical, because the real magic happens just after you hit a goal. You realize that you stepped out of your comfort zone, you got stronger, and more confident. While it might seem counter-intuitive, you actually walk away more energized after your efforts. Fear is diminished and your willingness to tackle a bigger goal grows. What will your kids learn when they see you modeling this personal growth? Better, teach them and watch their success and confidence soar!
I’ve summarized the “5 Gs” that help you clarify what you want and keep you on track with the goals that will give you your greatest satisfaction. I hope you find them useful to get on YOUR “right path*” to success. (* we all get blown off the path, but this will help you find your way back more quickly).
The 5 G’s to BUilding your legacy:
Step 1 – Goals
Get REALLY clear on what you want and who you need to become. What does this resulting success look like to you? Who are you with? Maybe that last question seemed odd, but only thinking of financial or career successes leaves out some of the most important people in your life. Learn from my mistakes and shoot for whole-life success – whatever that means to YOU. Think big! What goals can you develop around your relationships, health, and need for adventure?
Step 2 – Gasoline
You need the fuel that comes from knowing your REAL motivation. If you could have extraordinary wealth but still wouldn’t feel fulfilled and happy unless you had [fill in the blank], you’re on to something. You want to connect with your WHY; that is, your motivation, that springs from an internal, burning desire. This intrinsic satisfaction is derived from feelings and relationships. Achieving what other people think of as success (money, cars, jewels) may get you noticed but the happiness is fleeting if it doesn’t bring you real joy. Multiple studies reveal that over 80% of people stop pursuing their New Year’s goals by June. They quit because they have not tapped into their “why power.” I will bet any long-term goals you hit were when you had a powerful why! And the ones you didn’t hit, well…
Step 3 – Gap
You know what you want and your will is there to make it happen. Now what? You need to realistically examine the distance — the gap — between your current situation and your desired destination. Maybe you’re closer than you think. Closing the gap is about the action steps AND also the mindset shifts that make action easier. Have you not moved forward with a goal because you don’t know how or because of fear? (>> Grab my free tool that will help you work through these first few steps<<)
Step 4 – Go
Just like it sounds. Go out there and freaking do it. Stop talking about. Do it. When you get knocked off course, reconnect with your why, figure out the source of your gap and start chipping away at the gap a little bit every day until you hit your goal. And don’t be fooled that every step has to be gigantic. Consistency is key. Sustainable, even tiny, steps stand a greater chance of getting you to your result. (Be the tortoise – slow and steady wins the race.)
Step 5 – Gratitude
Enjoy the journey and acknowledge what you’ve already achieved. This also builds your confidence to battle discouragement on your next goal setting round. When I mention keeping a gratitude journal, some people think that is too “woo-woo.” But, the concept is firmly supported by neuroscience—the study of the structure and function of the brain. On waking and going to bed, just think of ONE thing to be grateful about (build up to 5 or 10 if you can). You may be stunned how your brain begins to notice and interpret information more positively. And who doesn’t want to become more solutions-focused?
I hope you’ll take this to heart and take these simple steps into your home. Talk with your kids about their goals and have them get specific about what they look like. Move them through the 5 step framework. While you may think building your legacy is the financial inheritance you leave your children, the real value comes from the lessons that give them the ability to create a joyful and productive future.
What if we were all taught at an early age to be clear about our goals and taught how to achieve them? I feel certain my life would not have taken such a circuitous path. Now that I am on my purpose driven path, it is my charge to help you and yours find and stay on your path. Godspeed!
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